"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:17-18
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Shedd's Marathon!
We rent our apartment from Shedd & Kris Waskosky, who live above us in their home with their youngest son David. Their older daughter, Anne, who lives in the States, has been training for a marathon. She was visiting here several weeks ago, and Shedd ran with her. He ran 20 miles with her, and figured he might as well do the entire thing while he was in shape! So this past Saturday, he started at 6:00 am, and ran 26.2 miles in a huge loop through several small towns around Shell.
Kris had everything planned out perfectly! She had a cooler stocked with drinks and snacks, and she stopped every 2 miles to give Shedd whatever he needed. David stayed with us until about 7:45 when Kris came and picked us all up. She dropped Dwight off at mile 13, and he ran the last half with Shedd. That explains why all of my pictures are only from that point on. :-)
It was so much fun to be a part of this, and I'm INCREDIBLY impressed that Shedd did such an awesome job! They finished at the orphanage, so we had some of the big kids come out to cheer them on! I took a video of the finish, but I'll have to try to post it later.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Laura and Fernando
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Jonathan's clippers
Martin was first. Looking at these pictures now, I realize I didn’t get one of him smiling. I thought the scared faces were too funny. He tends to be quite dramatic, so when he wasn’t making these faces he was laughing. Oh…and offering him a sucker helped.
That didn’t last long. Check out this face…..
I’ll have to post one on Angel later. He’s the oldest of the boys here…almost 12. He has his a little longer on the top…combed forward and spiked up. I think he’s grown 2 inches since the haircut…he seems to walk around with a much straighter posture. :-)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Catching Up....
I thought it was funny…one of her sons surprised her with another puppy the next day. Ha!
Anyway…we had a long day, but it was a lot of fun. That was the first time Dwight and I had left Shell since moving down here. Everyone else takes off on little Saturday trips all the time. We usually don’t want to leave the house when Saturday rolls around…trying to recover and regenerate for the week to come. :-) I say that as a good thing, though. We really are having a great time, and we wouldn’t trade this time here for anything. I can’t wait to see what the next step is in life…and how God will use this experience in the future.
All for now…. tandy
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I don't know what it is, but I just love to get in her personal space and play with her. She doesn't speak, and she usually keeps to herself. She loves to make certain noises...specifically anything that makes her lips move a lot. So, I just get in her face and imitate the noises...which just fascinates her. Strangely enough...noone else ever does that with her. The tia's look at me like I'm crazy.
Well, I was working in the office the other day, and I could hear her crying. She hardly ever cries, so I went to check it out. There were 2 guys from the group sitting in there with her, but they had no idea why she was crying. Finally one of the guys told me that she has walked over to his guitar case and started fiddling with it. He said he gently turned her the other direction, and she walked to the middle of the room and started crying. I reassured him that she was not upset for him turning her the other way. She CONSTANTLY has things taken out of her hands that she's not supposed to have, and it doesn't upset her. I asked him if he had been playing earlier, and he said yes. I told him that I thought she was probably going to the case b/c she wanted him to get out his guitar again! I asked him to play for her, and I had to grab the camera. All of the other kids were off playing, so Cintia had him all to herself. Remington did an awesome job, and he felt so much better to know that he didn't make her cry. :-) Zoom into this picture if you can, so you can see the smile on her face. I love it!
She wanted to touch the strings so badly while he was playing. She loved to see his fingers moving around.
Now she's attempting to take her shoes apart. If you leave her with anything that can possibly be destroyed...she'll find a way to do it. :-)
Anyway...just wanted to share more about one of the 55 (currently) kids here at the orphanage. I hope to do blog posts on each of them as we go through this next year. There's no way you can understand how special they are unless you're here though! Yes...I'm once again pressuring everyone to come visit. :-)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Hot Chocolate and English
Last Friday afternoon, Dwight brought the men he works with on the construction site to the orphanage. They went upstairs to one of the classrooms, and set up Dwight's laptop to use Rosetta Stone for an English language. They had planned to do it the day before, and Dwight said they were all really excited about it.
The hot chocolate.... A couple of weeks ago, they were all waiting for the rain to stop and started talking about coffee. One of the guys said he would bring his coffee pot, so they could all have some. .... He brought his coffee pot, and some unsweetened cocoa mix -kind of like Nestle Quick- ...and he didn't know how the coffee pot worked. Dwight showed them how to put water in there, and they used it to make hot chocolate....which, of course, tasted awful. After that, Dwight promised them he would make his mom's homeade hot chocolate mix and let them all have some. It was surprisingly easy to find what we needed conisdering powdered milk is VERY popular here.
So....hence the hot chocolate and the English lessons. :-) I just loved it when I went up there and saw them in that little room together huddled around the computer. Unfortunately, I didn't get one of Dwight with the teapot serving the cocoa. It was very much HIS thing! (which means I kept trying to help, and he did not want it) lol...
The friendship among the guys has been growing. I know they pray about different things at the property...in different languages, with noone truly understanding anyone else. But the beauty of it is that it doesn't matter! I love that God hears prayers in every language, and I love that the Holy Spirit fills in where we cannot. We continue to see evidence of that here, and it's very humbling.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Our First Group
This is basically what I'm currently doing almost full-time right now. Throughout the summer, we have teams pretty much back-to-back. We also have about 20 people coming in 1's and 2's to work for a month or two at a time. It is a HUGE blessing to have this many people come to work! It is also A LOT of work to organize all of their travel and lodging logistics. Whenever we host a team on our own, we plan everything for them. When YouthWorld brings a team, they handle all of the logistics, and we work alongside them with what's going on here.
For this week, Dwight continues to work at the work-site, where the group sends about 12 people every day. I have a group of 6 or 7 here at the orphanage, and the kids are eating up the attention. They're all currently at the park....which makes this blog possible. :-) I haven't been able to sit down for emails since the team got here!
We're having a blast, and I'm excited to see how God works in each person's heart. We join the group each night for dinner and some time of worship/discussion/debrief of the day and what everyone has experienced. It's been awesome so far, and it makes us excited for what's to come this summer. Please keep us in your prayers, that we would lead with love and grace. Keep the group in your prayers as they continue on their travels after they leave Shell.
I'll post a slide-show after the group leaves. Sorry, no pics this time!
OH!....and Patti Sue is coming back this Saturday!!! THANK YOU, LORD!!! She's been in the States for 3 weeks now. Although I want to learn all the Spanish I can...I have definitely been experiencing the language barriers lately! It will be nice to have the head honcho back where she belongs. :-)
Look at those cheeks!!!
I've seen him smile and coo now, and it's amazing to see the changes in such a short time.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Going Back in Time...
This is Robert DiCrasto, whose parents are here with Mission Aviation Fellowship. Check out his soldier gear....notice the backpack is the 'breastplate of righteousness.' The kids loved it. :-)
Ok...I was going to add more to this post, but I'm scared something will happen with the internet before I finish it. More to follow....