"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:17-18
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
That shipment of donated toys arrived in Quito on Christmas Eve! Patti Sue and Mama Ines drove up at 5am and came back at 5pm. I wish I would have taken a picture of the toys that FILLED the van. We gave each of the kids 2 toys, and there are still a ton left. Our guest room is completely occupied by them. :-) We're excited, because we'll be able to share with the tia's and others! There were also a lot of school supplies donated, and they will be so helpful come spring!
The party on Christmas day was a blast! The kids had a lot of fun, and I think everyone was excited about getting in bed that night. lol.... They got 3 gifts total, 1 from whichever adult drew their name, and 2 from the donation and Mami Patti. Before we gave them the 3rd one... They kept saying..."MORE gifts?!?" They just could not believe it!
Hope you all had as merry of a Christmas as we did!
This slideshow is a bit different.... If you just put the cursor over the picture, the caption will appear. The blog layout won't allow the slideshow to be any wider, so I would recommend double-clicking to open it in a different window.
Happy Birthday, Jesus!
My camera battery was almost dead, so these pictures didn't turn out very well. I caught a few, though!
More to come for the big Christmas party!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Con Muchas Manos - With Many Hands
Good times....
I just wanted to share a little bit of what's been going on lately...
These are a couple of pics of Cintia that I took the other day. I just think she looks ADORABLE with her pigtails and red and white stripes! I also think this picture captures her mischieviousness perfectly. :-)
This is baby Esteven. He's been in the hospital for several days, because he had a feeding tube put in late last week. Dwight wanted to go see him, so I tagged along and took some pics. I've been meaning to blog about him for a while. This little baby has serious health issues, and he isn't stable enough to travel to Quito for more conclusive tests. BUT...he has shown improvement with his breathing, and he is growing and changing every day! Please keep him in your prayers.
This was the first time I got to see him use his new gear. It works so much better than having to do it through the nose!!
Dwight loves his little feet. He'll definitely need corrective procedures in the future, but considering all of his other needs....that hasn't been addressed yet.
Check out his cool 'do. :-)
We got two new kids last week, Mikaela and Antony. The police brought them after a neighbor reported that the mother had left. Apparently she leaves for several days at a time; and the little girl, who is maybe 3 or 4, takes care of her little brother, who seems to be almost 2. Can you imagine what it was like for them to be left alone?!? Unfortunately, the mother will probably be able to get them back. Hopefully, she will change her ways after having her children taken for a short time. We're not sure how it will pan out at this point, but the police are working on it.
They are absolutely beautiful!
Look at those cheeks.... Adorable.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Shell Days!
So, last Thursday through Sunday was the 43rd Anniversay of Shell as a town. There were non-stop festival-ish events going on, and we had a blast. I'll try to remember it all....
Last Wednesday we celebrated Thanksgiving with the kids. The Tias cooked a wonderful BBQ meal, and we ate until we were sick. :-) Unfortunately, my camera battery was dead, so I didn't get any good pics!
Thursday was the day of the parade, and it was so much fun. I'm posting a slide show of pictures, but I hope to post the videos as well.
As soon as the parade was over after 5:00 or so....We all ran home to get ready for the missionary community Thanksgiving meal. This time my battery was charged....but I must have been focused on other things- like eating. I remembered to take a picture of the food table after the fact. :-) We really had a great time being with friends and our family in Shell. God is so good.
On our walk home, we saw a huge event starting in the Coliseo. We ended up sticking around to watch the "Reina de Shell" competition.... a.k.a. -beauty pageant. It was quite entertaining. lol.... I was so bummed, because I left my camera at home!
I did get pictures of the important stuff...which were the kids in the parade! Hope you all had a great time with friends and family at home.